Hide this message Input the results of your water analysis in the table below. Ensure you select the correct option for the unit of measurement. Click "Submit Water Values" when finished. Once you leave the website, you may save your progress at any time (as a csv file) by clicking "Save Progress" in the green Download menu. If you wish to resume your progress from a previously-saved csv file, upload the file in the Upload menu and click "Extract Data" afterwards. In general (for Windows), most files are downloaded from the internet to the folder: 'C:\My Documents\Download'. Uploading/Extracting will update the orange menu which indicates your active csv file. Red font indicates changes have been made to your work. A select menu will appear in the blue menu once data has been extracted—assuming you have inputted crop target values—or crop targets have been added (Part 2). For those (nursery) growers that wish to only acidify their irrigation source, check "Acidication only". Click "Hide this/Show message" and "Part" menus to compact/expand space, depending on preference.
Acidification only
Major Elements
HCO3- (Bicarbonate) NO3- - N (Nitrogen) NH4+ - N (Nitrogen) H2PO4- - P (Phosphorous)
K+ (Potassium)
Ca++ (Calcium)
Mg++ (Magnesium) SO4-- - S (Sulphur)
Na+ (Sodium)
Cl- (Chlorides)
S-- (Silicon)
Minor Elements
Leaving? Click "Save Progress" in the Download menu for the csv file. Simply upload and extract to resume.
For nursery growers who only wish to acidify their irrigation water, click on 'Acidification only' above.
If shown, the middle column header for the acidification results shows the total litres: tank size * ratio.
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You may enter or delete multiple crop target values below or upload a previously saved csv file. For the former, you must click on 'Save new Crop' after you've inputted values. To delete a crop, use the checkboxes and click 'Delete crop(s)'. Once a non-Water crop exists, a menu bar will appear in the blue box to the right. You may select your new crop to analyze and create a fertilisation program in Parts 3 and 4. If you choose to upload a previously-saved file, this will insert the data into the program where you may further add or delete new crops. You cannot change values of a previously saved crop unless you do so in a spreadsheet on your computer from a previously downloaded csv file. Be advised that this website does not keep the csv file, nor the data within it, on the server. Data from the csv file is extracted on the server, sent to the client machine, and discarded.
Adding a Crop Target will update the blue menu automatically.
There is no need to save or upload after each added crop program, unless you leave and return to this webpage.
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Here you may tweak values in Crop Targets. Irrigation water may also be changed. To update values (so that they take effect) click on the Update button below the table. Be advised that the Anion and Cation columns are in meq/L. In the select menu, ppm (E) stands for "ppm elemental" and ppm (C) stands for ppm compound. Any changes not saved will not take into effect for the rest of the program. To see crop target values or Irrigation water values in different units, change the select menu option.
Currently there is no crop selected. Crops may be selected from the blue menu.
Hide this message For a selected crop, the total Nutrient Requirement will be shown. A negative value correlates to automatic elemental excess (see Part 3 for breakdown). Select the fertilisers you wish to use for your irrigation tanks. In many cases, the less fertiliser choices there are, the less precise the calculations. Also, choosing a fertiliser does not guarentee the optimization program will use. Optimizing for priority offers a fertiliser solution to meet specific elements first. Under Manual (expert) mode, you may force a specific amount of mmol/L of fertiliser to be used in your fertiliser program. Click 'Submit Fertiliser Choices' when finished. Scroll down to see the 4 tanks and options to change ratio feeds and tank sizes (click 'Recalculate'). Inside the tanks is an input field for prices. Once you have entered known prices, you may calculate the total price. Prices must be in $/kg.
Optimize for Priority
No calculations have been made.
Manual (expert) mode Select All Standard Fertilisers
Recommended HCO3- target values are [0.5 - 2] mmol/L or [30 - 122] ppm.
The program will use Potassium Bicarbonate ( 0 - 0 - 39 ) if target value exceeds water content.
Acid choices will remain disabled if your target value for bicarbonates matches the bicarbonates in the irrigation water.